18+ Themes
Code of Conduct
No one likes a list of rules. Not even us. But for everyone's privacy, safety, and ability to enjoy the environment, we've got some. And they're right here.
Please note, while not explicitly listed, we also adhere to all Terms and Conditions required by Second Life and Linden Labs.
Important: Ignorance is not an excuse. Everyone is expected to have read these.
You, yes you, the player behind the screen, must be a minimum of 18 years of age or older. There are no exceptions. The sim is rated Adult and stories will contain adult themes, language, and visuals. Don't even joke about it. If we think you're under 18, we will take the precaution of asking you to leave.
OOC Harassment
Yes, you did see it correctly. There are two entries both with the number 1. Because these are both the most important topics to us.
Under no circumstances will we tolerate any harassment OOC. This goes for Sexism, Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Misogyny, Bullying, or any other type that I may have just happened to not list.
Like it says in our Discord: Don't be a dick, m'kay?
ICly if you want to be a racist homophobe who hates men, go for it. Before you get too dark at someone, maybe toss an IM or have a warning in your profile about the character. We aren't going to police your character in this manner but please be respectful if someone prefers to FTB it or step away.
Nudity and Adult Themes on the Sim
As mentioned above, the sim is rated Adult and nudity is permitted on sim In-Character areas. We do NOT allow nudity in the OOC Landing area. Treat it like your mom's living room. Or your grandmother's. Or, y'know, the sweet little ole lady down the street who would be utterly scandalized if you bared your ankles, never mind the rest of your bits.
Speaking of bits, we aren't here to police what you have in your knickers, either. Gender swap all you want be it via the super painful process of magical fleshcrafting, the peppery taste of a tonic your great aunt Bev stole from a traveling caravan, or just the human surgical way. Whatever. You do you.
We do not limit your number of alts. if you want to play multiple characters, you are allowed to do so. We will ask that you only have one character that has any IC Leadership position. We want to make it fair to spread the wealth and availability of opportunity. In the same vein, while we don't care if you have multiple characters, we absolutely do not tolerate Meta Gaming. Your alts can't run to each other and share information and we prefer alts not RP in the same scene unless it is a big event or something. Be smart.
God Modding, Meta Gaming, and Power Playing
In short: Don't do it. You will be given the benefit of the doubt once- hey accidents and interpretation variation happens. If it happens a second time, you'll be given a warning. Third strike and we'll sit you out of RP. Rather than try to describe every possible meaning of the three terms, as they are fairly commonly understood amongst most RP communities,we'll instead link to some very well written definitions we agree with. We are always open to conversation if you have questions or need clarification. For more information, see Bad Roleplay Discussion.
This is also the part of the show where we talk about IC Actions = IC Consequences. You know what it is. Behave.
Avatars and Appearance
Just as you, the player, must be 18 years or older, all characters must be 18 or older. Similarly, we do not under any circumstances, allow child avatars or very young looking avatars on the sim. We don't care that your Faerie is actually 3000 years old. If she looks 10, she's out. We are an Adult rated sim and adhere to the Second Life Linden Lab rules. If we ask you to change your avatar because of looking too young, and you refuse, you will be escorted off sim.
One final comment on Avatar appearance; we do ask you to use common sense when it comes to constructing your avatar. A 20ft tall Dragon with a 50ft wide wing span will be disruptive to others sitting at the local coffee shop. Keep your avatar "realistic" to match your race and character type. Anime heads for example ruin the realism in a group of humans. Please ask before making any significant avatar purchases if you're concerned.
RL Information
We have a zero tolerance policy on the sharing of someone else's OOC information, including their alts, between players. We expect our privacy to be respected and we'll respect yours. What you chose to share with others is up to you- and what you do share should not be shared by others. If you have an issue with information sharing, please reach out to an admin.
Conflict Between Players
We are going to always encourage you to try and work out issues between yourselves. We are all adults and should be able to resolve things 90% of the time. Conflict should be taken out of public eye- be it via in-game IM or Discord DM. Assume good intent, be cooperative and helpful, and if you aren't sure of something, ask in a non-confrontational manner. Only if you simply cannot come to an agreement and need assistance from an admin, should we be involved to help arbitrate a disagreement. If such a thing happens, please use our Discord ticket process.
Roleplay Limits
If you have hard RP limits that you do not want to RP under any circumstances, please make sure you are listing them out in your Profile Picks. You should also make sure to mention them to any roleplay partners if Rp seems to be heading toward one of your limits. We ask that everyone respect limits.
With that said, you are also responsible for your own limits. You cannot Nope out of consequences. If you attack a vampire, you cannot claim you have a No Biting RP limit. You absolutely may request a Fade to Black and off screen the RP- but you cannot use RP Limits as a way to avoid consequences.
Similar to Roleplay limits, Consent is a big topic here with our players. We want everyone to have fun- and for some people, they love it when someone says they're about to do something to their character that they have no chance of escaping. Others, however, are vehemently opposed. To ensure that people are not forced to RP things they have no control over, we require consent to be gained before you do anything ICly to someone else which they are unable to stop. Here are some examples to help illustrate our policy:
1. We would not allow a random sniper to sit on top of a building and kill players. If someone wanted to play that random sniper, we would find a way to make the people NPCs and if a player wanted to get involved, they could.
2. We would not allow a random "mind magic" or power let you convince a character to do something. That player would always be given the opportunity to consent or resist.
3. We would not allow a character with sex magic that can over-ride someone's preferences, desires, or orientation nor force them into a romantic scene. Roleplay out seducing other characters and let them consent for anything romantic, intimate, or sexual.
Just like with Limits, you cannot Nope Out of consequences with consent. If you roleplay your character in such a way that every supernatural on the sim wants to kill you, you very well may be killed. We'll work with you to find alternatives, but we will not let players avoid consequences.
Respect Consent. Respect Limits. Respect request for FTB or resist.
Destruction of Propery
While it would certainly take a pretty herculean effort to level a building with magic, it can certainly be done. But who wants to log in and find out their home or place of business was wrecked while they were offline and they have no recourse? So we have a short little guide to what you should do if you want to break in somewhere, steal an item, ruin something, or completely destroy property.
Right off the bat: There are CCTV cameras all over the city. Chances are high that you will be seen unless you proactively take steps. Chat with an admin before you do something you don't want caught on film.
For anything you do on sim, you are always welcome to post something on the #emergency-services Discord channel. 911 Calls, poses of people sneaking around or Nefarious Events Afoot(tm).
Minor Damage: Break a window, spray paint a wall, steal a bike.. go ahead. You must message the owner immediately to let them know. If the owner is not available, message an admin.
Serious Damage: Set fire to a building, steal a car, breaking into someone's building or house. You must get permission first from either the owner or an Admin so aftermath can be coordinated. We most likely won't stop you, we just need to coordinate.
Total Destruction: Beyond getting permission from an admin, you must also present a very good IC reason for the destruction as it causes a great deal of consequence and impact to other players.
Before you consider interrupting an event being put on by other players, please be considerate of the effort and time it takes to put together events for players before you make a splash. Not saying you can't- but please talk to us first.
Sneaking and Spying
Just because you are within chat range, or visual range, you should not assume you can see or hear something that is happening. To over hear something, you must not only be within chat range, but you must be within a reasonable distance for the volume of what is happening and pose in to the scene so that those involved are aware of your presence OOC. Don't pose in, you don't hear it or see it. End of story.
Similarly, if you want to break into a building, you can't just click on that door and walk through when it opens and assume no one saw you or heard you.
Just stop to think about it and lets work together to ensure everyone has a great time- even if it means gettin' yer stuff trashed!
RP Cliques and Ignoring Others
Simply put, please don't ignore others.
We 100% understand you want to RP with your friends- we do too! But everyone is here for the same thing: RP! We want our sim to be welcoming to all players and we want everyone to feel included. Can you Ignore someone ICly ? Of course you can- but acknowledge people in your post and be inclusive. Not in a position to immediately include someone in the scene? Whisper or IM them- maybe arrange to meet later.
We also understand that scenes can get really big and it can be quite hard to include everyone or respond to every person in the scene. We just ask you to make the effort. A little goes a long way.
Semi-Para, Paragraph, and Pose Order RP
We are all semi and full length paragraph role players here. Sometimes players will take 5, 10, or sometimes up to 15 minutes in between poses. If you need longer, be considerate and let the others in your scene know. On the flip side, if you are a super fast typer and only need a few minutes, please have patience with others who need longer. Its all about communication.
While we absolutely welcome those who may still be learning how to pose in longer paragraphs, if you are a "one liner" or prefer to rapid fire multiple lines scattershot here and there, we may not be the best fit for you. Reach out to an admin and lets chat.
Thought Posting
Unless the person you are roleplaying with is actually a psychic or is a mind magician, they can't read your thoughts. So don't broadcast them.
You can absolutely still add flavor without the direct broadcast. As a paragraph poser, you can get across thoughts and feelings with expressions and actions instead. For instance, look at the difference between these sentences:
1. "Edward looked at Jack and thought he was a complete idiot."
2. "Edward looked at Jack with a very frustrated expression on his face and rolled his eyes."
The player thinking someone is an idiot doesn't give other players anything to play off of or react to in the scene. In the second option, however, players can react to the expression and the eye rolling.
One last thought on thoughts (...see what we did there?)... under no circumstances are thinly veiled OOC digs at players allowed in thought, action, or pose. Keep it IC. Keep the OOC out of it.
Copyrighted Material and Story Worlds
We're all here to write stories and be creative. We take inspiration from movies, books, television, and music. This sim is no different! We pick and piece together things we like from all over to craft our world and characters. And that's just fine. There's no author out there who owns the concept of sunlight destroying vampires. But there is one that makes them sparkle. (...side rant, under no circumstances will vampires sparkle on this sim unless they've been tarred and glittered by passing pixies)
We do not allow you to play known cannon characters from published, copyrighted works. No Anita Blake, no Edward and Jacob, no Gandalf and Legolas. We also don't allow you to play real life famous people (Politicians, actors, musicians, etc) nor real life historical figures. So while we won't let you play Taylor Swift or Margaret Thatcher, you could play the vampire hair dresser who worked for either one of them and can spill the tea about what really happened at the Super Bowl.